Middle School Physical Education Students of the Month - September 2022

Each month the Physical Education Department at RCS Middle School will be recognizing individual students for the hard work they demonstrated in class during the entire month. Students were nominated by Physical Education Teachers Mr. James Henry, Ms. Majiel Baker, and Ms. Anna Davies.

A big congratulations to the Physical Education Students of the Month for September (pictured above): Guiliana Demarest (Grade 6), Cyrus O’Brien (Grade 6), Paige Castagna (Grade 7), Connor Howe (Grade 7), James Mantor (Grade 8), and Jamie Mantor (Grade 8).

Here is a brief description of each student’s contributions to their class:  

Guiliana Demarest: Guiliana has done an amazing job in Physical Education class! Her leadership skills are evident through following directions, high participation levels, and displaying sportsmanship in every class activity. 

Cyrus O’Brien: Cyrus has done an outstanding job in Physical Education class! He is respectful to all, works hard in every activity, and comes to every class ready to go with a positive attitude. 

Paige Castagna: Paige has done an excellent job in Physical Education class. She is respectful and willing to help her classmates. Additionally, Paige has demonstrated enthusiasm and high participation levels during every class. 

Connor Howe: Connor always does an amazing job in Physical Education class. He is a leader in his class through his positive attitude and sportsmanship. Connor has had a positive influence on the class overall. 

James Mantor: James is a conscientious student who follows class rules and expectations. He puts forth a great effort and is always kind to his classmates, showing sportsmanship and respect. 

Jamie Mantor: Jamie is a hard worker who follows directions, rules, and class expectations. She always tries her best, is kind and respectful to her classmates, and shows great sportsmanship in PE. 

Congratulations again, and keep up the amazing work!