High School students have the option to stay for 10th period for extra help, studying, etc with a teacher or club.
Students are able to be picked up by their families or may stay at the school and be supervised after 10th-period and take the 5 PM bus home in the event that 10-period buses are canceled.
Please note the following:
Students who are staying need to report to the cafeteria at the conclusion of 10th-period.
Students may leave the cafeteria at any time if they get a ride home prior to 5 PM.
Tuesday, June 14, is the last day for 10-period buses and 5 PM runs. Please click here to find more information about transportation to and from, as well as the schedule for local exams and regents.
If you have any questions, please contact the main office at (518) 756-5200 ext. 2000. Thank you.