Dear RCS High School Parents & Guardians,
On June 2nd, 2022, RCS SADD (Students Against Destructive Decisions) will be presenting a program to high school students on destructive decision activities regarding drunk driving and the dangers of impairment around prom time. This course will take place throughout the school day during your student’s PE class. If your student doesn't have PE, they can go during their lunch or during a free period such as Study Hall.
This course will be brought to you by RCS SADD, the New York State Police, and Albany County Stop DWI. This course will entail:
Fatal Vision Goggles with Walk the Line
A simulated slow speed car crash machine
A safety course
If you have any questions about what the activities include or concerns about your student's involvement, please contact SADD President Tyler DeMarco at or SADD Advisor Matthew Miller at
Thank you.