Last week 20 students and staff from the RCS High School met virtually with the National Coalition Building Institute (NCBI) and Greenville School District to participate in a NCBI Diversity Train the Trainer Program. The goal of this program is to help promote a safe, welcoming, and inclusive environment for all high school students.
The training activities that students and staff participated in were created to help increase their knowledge and understanding of how to help all students feel important and included in their school community. The group covered topics like how to work together to stop bullying and steps they can take to improve the overall school culture. Students also had the opportunity to role-play how to intervene in prejudiced situations in a positive, caring way.
“It was wonderful watching the students and staff participate and learn in this training together,” said High School Social Worker Jessica Doerr. “The activities allowed for a space for students and staff to collaborate and think critically about improvements we can make to our school's culture.”
The students will continue to come together, starting this week, to plan action steps to make the school community supportive and welcoming to all. The students have already expressed creative ideas for how to make sure all students have support and people to talk to. As part of the training, students learned how to facilitate diversity work for their peers. They are looking forward to putting the students’ ideas into action and continuing this important work. The High School is thrilled to turnkey this wonderful opportunity.