Please read the following information about the January 2025 Local and Regents examinations that will be administered at the high school.
If students are not scheduled for a Regents or Midterm Exam they are not allowed to be in the building (excluding BOCES/CTE Students, see below).
Table of Contents:
Purposes of the Examinations - Per the NYSED
2025 January Regents/Midterm Schedule - All exams are held at the High School
Universal Admissions and Dismissal Times for Regents Examinations
Transportation Schedule & BOCES CTE
Breakfast and Lunch
Unauthorized/Prohibited Materials
Purposes of the Examinations - Per the NYSED: Regents Examinations are achievement tests that are aligned with New York State’s learning standards. Prepared by teacher examination committees and department subject and testing specialists, Regents Examinations provide schools with a basis for evaluating the quality of instruction and learning that have taken place. They are used by school personnel to identify major learning goals, offering both teachers and students a guide to important understandings, skills, and concepts. The examinations also provide students, parents, counselors, administrators, college admissions officers, and employers with objective and easily understood achievement information for use in making sound educational and vocational decisions. Passing scores on the Regents Examinations in English, mathematics, science, and social studies satisfy the State testing requirements for a high school diploma.
2025 January Regents/Midterm Schedule - All exams are held at the High School
When arriving for exams, all students will report to the cafeteria and once released will go to their assigned testing locations. Students who receive testing accommodations will report to the auditorium from the cafeteria to meet their proctor and get their testing location.
R= Regents MT= Midterm F= Final
Universal Admissions and Dismissal Times for Regents Examinations
Morning Regents Exams: Start time for AM Regents Exams is 8 a.m. As per the state Universal Admissions Deadline, students cannot be admitted after 10 a.m. Exam end time is 11 a.m. A student cannot be dismissed from a regents Exam prior to 10 a.m.
Afternoon Regents Exams: Start
time for PM Regents Exams is 12 p.m. As per the state Universal Admissions Deadline,
students cannot be admitted after 2 p.m.
Exam end time is 3 p.m. A student cannot be dismissed from a Regents Exam prior to 2 p.m.
Transportation Schedule & BOCES CTE
AM Exams: Students taking AM exams will ride in on their regular morning bus to school and will need to know what late bus (5 p.m. bus routes) they would ordinarily ride in order to go home at 11:30 a.m.
PM Exams: Students that have an afternoon exam should be at their regular morning bus stop by 11:10 a.m. Transportation will be picking-up students at or around this time based on exam schedules and transportation needs. There will be a 2:07 p.m. dismissal bus and a late bus run as needed.
BOCES/CTE classes will operate as normal. As long as students do not have an exam, they can attend their BOCES CTE classes on their regular schedule.
AM Students: The bus will leave at 7:30 a.m., and students can ride their regular morning bus to school. They will need to know what late bus (5 p.m. bus routes) they would ordinarily ride in order to go home at 11:30 a.m.
PM Students: The bus will leave at 10:20 a.m. If students cannot get a ride to campus they may ride their regular morning bus and report to the cafeteria until 10:20 a.m.
If you have any questions about transportation please contact the transportation department at or by phone at (518) 756-5241.
Breakfast and Lunch: Bagged breakfast will be available from 7:30 a.m. – 8:30 a.m. The cafeteria deli will be available from 11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Unauthorized/Prohibited Materials: All students are prohibited from bringing cell phones and certain other electronic devices, as defined in the script below, into a classroom or other location where a State examination is being administered. Test proctors, test monitors, and school officials shall retain the right to collect and hold any prohibited electronic devices prior to the start of the test administration. Admission to the test shall be denied to any student who is in possession of a cell phone or other prohibited electronic device and refuses to relinquish it. Possession of such a device will cause the student’s examination to be invalidated.
Unless through religious exception, during the administration of NYS Regents Examinations, students will not be allowed to wear hoods or any headgear that conceals the student’s face and ears. This is to preserve the integrity of the test and to prevent cell phone and other personal digital assistants (PDA) abuse. Furthermore, a hood or any headgear that conceals the student’s face and ears makes it difficult for teachers to identify who the student is, causing concerns for safety.
At the beginning of each test administration, proctors must read the following statement to all students taking Regents Examinations:
Students cannot have any communications device, including a cell phone, with them during this examination or during any breaks (such as a restroom visit). Such devices include, but are not limited to:
Other unauthorized/prohibited materials include, but are not limited to:
If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to the High School Counseling Center at (518)756-5200 ext. 2007 or Principal Mr. Funck at ext. 2005.