Dear RCS Families,
Starting February 24, 2025, students will be issued RCS transportation student badges that they will use when they get on and off District buses. This is our next step in utilizing the Stopfinder bus software system, making transportation of our students safer and dependable.
How it works
Through the Stopfinder bus system tablet installed on RCS buses, students will use an identification badge to scan when boarding or exiting the bus. With this “almost real-time” information, parents and school staff can verify a student’s bus route information and ensure a child is on the correct bus. The system is only accessible to authorized registered users for transportation purposes and will not be used for school attendance or in-school use.
What you need to know
RCS CSD Transportation will slowly implement the badging system. A transportation badge on a badge clip will be issued to each student to attach to their backpack. If a lanyard is more suitable, they are available as well.
Once operational, from the Stopfinder app, parents, guardians, and authorized caregivers will be able to do various tasks, including:
See if your child did not get on the bus
Receive notifications if the bus driver or number changed
Have two-way communication with the district’s transportation department
What’s next
Implement badging system route by route with full implementation of regular routes by June 1, 2025
In the month of June, implement badging for 10th period and 5 pm bus routes
What if my child loses their badge?
Please contact the transportation department, and we can supply a replacement badge within a few days.
What if my child forgets their badge?
Students who forget their badge will still be able to ride their bus. The student will tell their driver their name upon getting on and the driver will check them in to the system. This process will take longer and may impact route times if done frequently. If your child loses their badge, please contact the transportation department.
Will my child need one if they occasionally ride the bus?
Yes, we will eventually be using this system for field trips, sports trips, etc, so all students are required to have a badge.
Will every student in RCS CSD receive a student badge?
What do I do with the badge at the end of the school year?
Badges can be used year after year, so please save your badge and attach it to your student's new backpack in September. If a replacement badge is needed please contact the transportation department.
What if my child rides different buses going to school and coming home?
The same badge is used no matter what bus your student rides. If your student rides home with a friend they will badge on with a bus pass with the same badge.
For any questions regarding transportation student badges or general transportation information, please contact the RCS Transportation Department at or 518-756-5241.