A message from the RCS Office for Student Support & Special Education:
The Early Childhood Family and Community Engagement Center (FACE) has announced that they will be offering free virtual training sessions. Their training can answer some questions and help families prepare for this important transition for their children. The events are:
EI to CPSE Transition for Families: This training is an opportunity for families in learning about the complex Early Intervention Services (EI) to Preschool Special Education (CPSE) transition. It will provide a general overview of the transition process, the roles and responsibilities of all involved in the transition, and the changes to expect as the children move into the preschool world.
When: Zoom meeting on Tuesday, March 22nd from 9:30 am to 11 am
Registration Link: https://conta.cc/3LBA9dC
CPSE to CSE Transition for Families: for families of children who will be transitioning from Preschool Special Education (CPSE) to Committee on Special Education (CSE). Participants will come away from this workshop with a better understanding of what to expect as their preschoolers move on to kindergarten. This seminar is offered twice monthly through May. Please contact RCS Special Education Department for more information.
Zoom meeting on Thursday, March 10th from 9:30 am to 11 am (Registration deadline is March 9) – Register Link: https://conta.cc/3G4M7t5
Zoom meeting on Monday, March 21st from 12:00 pm to 1:30 pm (Registration deadline is March 20) — Register Link: https://conta.cc/3n3V6Dp
For registration assistance, contact Dawn Rettig at drettig@measinc.com