Dear Parents/Guardians,
Welcome to the 2021 Virtual A.W. Becker Open House!
The event is now open! Teachers will be going live in their google meets for grades 1 and 2 from 6:00 PM - 6:30 PM, and grades 3 through 5 will be live from 6:30 PM - 7:00 PM. Any specials or support staff will be live from 6:15 PM - 6:45 PM. To access the link to the virtual open house, click here. You can also access the event by logging into your student’s Chromebook and going to the RCS website, the link is in the bar at the top of the homepage.
Here is how it works: You will scroll through the pages and find those pages that are most relevant to you, pages are organized by grade or areas. On the page, you will then find the Google Meet (live) links for those teachers according to the schedule, as well as other resources and information. Please be sure to sign in on your child’s grade level page. If you are having trouble accessing the google meet link or any of the information on their slide, please reach out to your student’s teacher.
The presentations will be available for parents to access for a couple of weeks. Since the teachers will be presenting live on google meet, if you would like to set up a meeting with a teacher for a later date, please send them an email to do so. You can contact them here. Families are encouraged to participate in this event together, as there is a lot of important information to be shared.
As a reminder, all participants are asked to mute themselves when not speaking to the group (button on the bottom of your screen). Also, there is a “raise hand” feature at the bottom of your screen if you have a question or would like to speak to the teacher. As a reminder, you will have to unmute yourself to be heard.
During the live google meets with teachers, they will be focusing on:
Classroom procedures and expectations
Academic content and outcomes for students
Processes for measuring and reporting student progress
We encourage families to ask questions and enter into a dialogue about the topics above. This time during the open house will not be focused on:
Individual student needs or concerns
State or local governmental COVID-19 mandates
Individual student needs or concerns may be addressed with the teacher through a phone call or email. Questions or concerns about governmental health mandates may be directed to me.
Families will also have access to a feedback form at the end of the presentation for families to share their thoughts regarding their experience visiting this year's virtual Open House at A.W. Becker. If you have any further questions or concerns, please reach out to me. We hope you enjoy!
Click Here to Access the 2021 Virtual A.W. Becker Open House!