Dear Parents/Caregivers,
We are excited to announce that on the morning of Wednesday, April 2nd, 2025, RCS will be hosting the SAT Exam for all 11th-grade students in school.
On Wednesday, April 2nd, all students will report to school as normal. After attendance is taken in their 1st-period class, an announcement will be made for Juniors to report to the Auxiliary Gym. All Juniors are expected to take the SATs. Students will resume classes after the exam has ended.
It is very important that your child brings a charged Chromebook on that day because we will be utilizing the new digital format. We will send several reminders in the days leading up to the exam. Please have a conversation with your student about capitalizing on the opportunities that this test will make available to them. We look forward to the important information that will be discovered about your student and our program.
Ryan Funck