Asbestos abatement will start at Pieter B. Coeymans Elementary on Wednesday, July 19, as part of our summer 2023 construction project.
The work is expected to take five days and is being performed in an area that is not accessible to staff or students participating in the summer program. Negative air pressure will be created within the space, and discharge air will be HEPA filtered, exhausting only clean air. Work will be performed during second shift hours, after Discovery Camp has concluded for the day. The abatement project will be monitored by the District’s hazardous materials consultant.
All asbestos abatement projects shall comply with all applicable federal and State laws including but not limited to the New York State Department of Labor industrial code rule 56(12 NYCRR 56), and the federal Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act(AHERA),40 CFR Part 763 (Code of Federal Regulations, 1998 Edition, Superintendent of Public Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402; 1998; available at the Office of Facilities Planning, Education Building Annex, Room 1060, State Education Department, Albany, NY 12234).