Unhoused and Temporary Housing

If your housing is uncertain or unstable, students have education rights and can receive support and services under the McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Improvements Act of 2001.

McKinney-Vento Act

The McKinney-Vento Act is a federal law that provides educational rights and protections for children who are residing in temporary housing. Students have the right to immediate enrollment even if documents that are normally required are not available, such as birth certificates, school records, immunization records or proof of residency.

Under McKinney-Vento and state law, students are considered to be in temporary housing if their nighttime residence is not fixed, regular and adequate.

Children and youth in temporary housing have the right to:

• stay in the same school, including pre-k, and get free transportation even if it is across district lines;
• immediately enroll in school without records (school records, medical records, vaccination records, proof of residency);
• get special education services immediately if the student has a current Individualized Education Program (IEP);
• participate fully in any school activities, including before- or after-school activities;
• get support services and help with things like school supplies through Title I;
• get free school meals without filling out an application;
• get help enrolling in pre-k, Head Start, other preschool programs, and Early Intervention; and
• get help preparing and applying for college.

Need Assistance?

If you are currently experiencing homelessness or temporary housing, and need assistance, please contact:
District Data Coordinator, email twolfanger@rcscsd.org or by phone: 518-756-5200 ext. 6014