Pre-School Registration for Special Education

Special Education services are available for students with disabilities between the ages of 3 and 21, or until they receive their high school diploma. Preschool-age students with an Individual Education Plan receive services from Albany County approved providers. Students enrolling for special education services will need to show residency within the Ravena Coeymans Selkirk School District and complete all required documentation.

Forms and Documents To Register A Student

The following forms and documents will be required all for students to be enrolled in an RCS school.

Residency Documentation

Only students whose primary residence is within the Ravena Coeymans Selkirk School District are entitled to enroll for a free education.

In order to show residence within the district, families are asked to provide two (2) documents at initial enrollment as well as any time their primary address changes.

The provided documentation must clearly show the name of the registering parent or guardian along with the physical address where the family and student resides.

Copies are acceptable, but must be clear and include enough information to show that the documented address is current and is the primary address of the parent or guardian. Account numbers, financial, or other sensitive information may be redacted but the registrar retains the right to examine the original document if there are questions regarding the validity of the copy.

District Registrar
518-756-5200, ext. 6008
Registrar, PO Box 100, Ravena, NY 12143

If you are seeking special education services for a child who is not old enough to enroll in kindergarten, please contact the District Registrar directly to obtain guidance on how to register your child.

Returning Forms and Documents

• Fax: 518-756-4561 (Attn: Registrar)
• Scan and email:
• Mail: Registrar, PO Box 100, Ravena, NY 12143
• Drop off at any school building office (Attn: Registrar)

Please make sure any copies or digital files are clear and large enough to read and be printed.