Pre-Kindergarten Information

Each year, RCS applies for grant funding from NYS to offer a Universal Pre-Kindergarten (UPK) program for children who are at least 4, but not older than 5, by December 1st. See below for more information. When funding is secured, information will be posted here about dates of registration, program details, and the lottery process. Updates are generally posted in February for the following school year.


In order to attend the UPK program, children must:

  • be born between 12/2/2020 - 12/1/2021

    • Note: this is a NYS requirement and cannot be modified by the district.

  • be at least 4, but not 5, by December 1st

  • be residents of the RCS school district

  • complete all enrollment requirements, including immunizations

Grant funding limits our UPK enrollment to 36 students in each elementary building. If there are more applicants than spaces, a random lottery will be held to determine enrollment. Children who are not placed in the program initially will be placed on a waiting list and will be contacted if space becomes available throughout the year. See "Lottery Process" below for more specific details.

According to NYS law, students who are 3 years old at the beginning of the school year may NOT be transported on a school bus, so parents will need to secure alternate transportation until the child’s 4th birthday.

Program Details

The following information reflects our planned model, but is subject to change at the district's discretion:

  • Children will attend full school days (9-3:30), Monday through Thursday, and (9-3) on Fridays, following the elementary school calendar.

  • Classes are limited to 18 students.

  • Each class has a teacher and a teaching assistant.

  • Children are assigned to the building that serves their home address.

    • We cannot make exceptions to this policy at this time.

  • According to NYS law, parents will need to arrange private transportation for children who are 3 years old.

  • Students who are 4 years old will be transported on the regular elementary school buses.

  • Students will be able to purchase lunch and breakfast if desired.  If not purchasing, students will be expected to bring their own lunches.

  • Our full-day program will include the following components:

    • Community, relationship, and social skill-building activities

    • School-readiness academic learning (numbers, letters, speech, and motor skills, science)

    • Recess

    • Rest time

    • Projects and play-based learning (arts, music, explorations)

    • “Specials,” including art, music, physical education, and introductory technology

Registration Process

When can we register?

  • The official enrollment period will open on February 24, 2025

    • Enrollments received before this date will not be processed until the enrollment period opens.

    • Families are encouraged to complete and submit all paperwork for their children by  April 10, 2025, to be eligible for the lottery if necessary (see below).  However, a child can register for UPK at any time if there is space available in the program or may be placed on a waiting list.

How do we register?

Complete the Forms listed below:

Send all of the above documents to the Registrar using one of the following methods:

  • Scan and email:

  • Mail: Registrar, PO Box 100, Ravena, NY 12143

  • Drop off at any school building office (Attn: Registrar)

  • Fax: 518-756-4561 (Attn: Registrar)

Please note this must be completed for each student. Please make sure any copies or digital files are clear and large enough to read and be printed.

Lottery Process

What if more students register than there are spaces?

  • As a reminder, there are 36 spaces per elementary building (18 per classroom).

  • If the number of children who have registered by April 10, 2025, exceeds the 36 spaces available at either building, a public lottery will be held, as mandated by the NYS Education Department.

  • All children who have submitted complete registration packets at the end of the business day on April 10, 2025, will be included in the lottery.

  • The lottery will be accessible to the public at the District Office on April 24, 2025.  You do not need to be present at the lottery in order for your child to be selected for or maintain a space in the UPK program.

  • Children who do not receive a space in the UPK program through the lottery will be placed on a waiting list and will have the opportunity to fill spots that open up later in the year.

  • Families will be notified of the results of the lottery by the first week in May.

  • If there are fewer than 36 children registered in a building on April 10, 2025, the lottery for that building will be cancelled.

  • Any children who register or complete paperwork after April 10, 2025, will be enrolled in any remaining spots on a first-come, first-serve basis, or placed on the waiting list.

Screening Information

All pre-kindergarten students will participate in a screening conducted by teachers and nurses. This helps the school to plan the best possible experience for all children. 

In May, each elementary school building will schedule screening appointments directly with parents for one of the following dates:

  • Pieter B. Coeymans - Monday, May 12, and Wednesday, May 14

  • A.W. Becker - Tuesday, May 13, and Thursday, May 15

Specific information regarding screening appointment dates and times will be shared with families from their respective elementary schools.

Contact Information for Questions

If you have any additional questions about enrollment or need assistance completing the registration process, please feel free to contact the Registrar, at 518-756-5200, ext. 6008, or

If you have specific questions about the pre-kindergarten screening process or the pre-kindergarten program, please contact the building office at the school your child will attend: A. W. Becker (extension 5001) or Pieter B. Coeymans (extension 4001).  

We look forward to working with you as your child joins our RCS learning community!

District Registrar

Diane Palazzo
Phone: 518-756-5200 ext. 6008