RCS High School Counseling Center

Mission Statement:

To support, educate and advocate for all students through social/emotional, academic, and career counseling.

Meet the Counseling Center Staff:

At the heart of our role is student advocacy. We are fortunate to work with students from their freshman year through their senior year. Along the way we develop relationships with students and families, and educate and guide students through important decision-making years.  Consider us your child’s point person, their go-to, a liaison. We consult and connect and inform, all the while holding your child’s best interest at heart. Helping students and their families navigate the high school years and plan for the future is both our specialty and our passion.

Samantha VanPatten

Samantha VanPatten (Visicaro)
RCS High School Counselor
(518) 756-5200 ext. 2009

Laraine Gell

Laraine Gell
RCS High School Counselor
(518) 756-5200 ext. 2008

Briana Stevens

Briana Stevens
RCS High School Counselor
(518) 756-5200 ext. 2010

Shannon Ruso

Shannon Ruso
Counseling Center Secretary
(518) 756-5200 ext. 2007

Counseling Center Breakdown

Not sure who your counselor is? Check out the chart below to find out!


Grade 9

Grade 10

Grade 11

Grade 12

Visicaro (VanPatten)

Last Names A through F

Last Names A through G

Last Names A through D

Last Names A through G


Last Names G through R

Last Names H through O

Last Names E through O

Last Names H through O


Last Names S through Z

Last Names P through Z

Last Names P through Z

Last Names P through Z

Records Request

Need to request your school records or need your transcript mailed, emailed, or faxed?

Please fill out this form and someone from the High School Counseling Center will be in touch.

If you have any questions about the process, please call the counseling center at (518) 756-5200 ext. 2007 or email Shannon Ruso at sruso@rcscsd.org.

Working Papers

Are you a student seeking employment? To obtain working papers or with any questions, please contact Monica Salisbury at (518) 756-5200, ext. 2000 or at msalisbury@rcscsd.org.

New York State Working Papers Application
Physical Fitness Certification - can be filled out by a Doctor if a student does not have an updated physical on file with the school nurse

Please note that every student is required to have an updated physical (within the last year). Parents/caregivers need to sign the appropriate documentation (above), and the student(s) need to sign the card in front of district officials after they provide the signed paperwork and physical information. If necessary, RCS school officials can mail the necessary paperwork home, and then the child needs to come in with the completed paperwork and required physical to get the card OR if the parent /caregiver and student come in together with the physical, the card can be processed that day. Students who are 14 or 15 years old and in Middle School can receive them there.

If you have further questions, parents/caregivers and students can locate guidelines for employment at the New York State Department of Labor website, here.

NYS Seal of Biliteracy

NYS Seal of Biliteracy

CTE Endorsement